Sunday, January 20, 2008

Damp Sunday

I understand that it has rained here every day for nearly three weeks. Although the church roof doesn't leak, the dampness has taken has taken its toll. As it's been milder the church heating system has been on less frequently, and the longer it's off, the more chance there is for condensation to prevent the boiler from firing automatically - so was unusually cold and dank in church first thing this morning. In turn this affected all the photocopier paper, jamming the machine and making it impossible to print the weekly bulletin.

It's about time the Church in Wales produced a three year lectionary book and put an end to the need to produce so much photocopied paper week by week. Publisher Kevin Mayhew has a hymn book, which also includes all the Sunday readings in the three year lectionary. Pity we don't need a new hymn book. If we did there's be just the right volume to purchase, even if it is a bit on the large side in comparison with the little pocket book BCP with hymns ancient and modern which proliferated a century ago when 50% of the population attended church and volume production of such neat commodities was profitable, along with big family Bibles. Somehow downloadable files on a PDA or mobile phone don't quite have the same durable quality.

It's been pretty windy as well as wet recently, which explains the poor turnout at church. It's not the sort of weather that endears itself to the old, the frail or those shepherding kids around, so Cardiff's streets were fairly quiet. In fact, they look pretty bare now that Winter Wonderland, Santa's Grotto, and the new street lights have all been packed up and put into storage for another year. There's a sea of mud in front of City Hall where the main attractions stood. It will be a little while yet before the weather is kind enough to permit re-laying of the turf.

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