Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Bread casting to podcasting

I was glad of a day with no fixed appointments today. It gave me an opportunity to work hard on completing my Lent talk preparation. The texts have been written and re-worked now for several days, and I've posted the downloadable text files on the parish website. Not many people find it easy to commit to attending a lecture series, no matter what time you arrange it. That's partly why I've abandoned trying to do the high profile series with lots of outside speakers. I've been asked for texts before. So maybe that's unavoidably necessary if I do a series - I argued with myself.

This year, my creative burst on holiday made me confident that I had enough to say for a full series, on things I'm really interested in. The question is: does anyone else think interesting what I think is interesting? You can only cast your bread on the waters...

On Sunday, I asked if anyone in church wanted advance hard-copies, ( a way of stimulating people to think of questions and discuss) and I had about a dozen people interested. One man I asked replied : "No, there's no need to bother, I've already downloaded them and made a copy for me and one for my father." His dad is ancient and housebound, but still taking an interest in life. His response made my Sunday - the effort of having done it is already justified in my mad mind.

It spurred me to think I should get on with my other little plan to record the talks and upload pod-castable files (a new word Google's spell checker doesn't recognise) to the church website as well. So I bought a microphone from Maplins, and spent most of my day recording and editing sound files, apart from the odd hour when I popped down the church to print off Ash Wednesday liturgy sheets and copies of the booklets of the six talks to hand out tomorrow.

I should have recorded the sound files before printing the booklets. The point nine percent of errors you miss when diligently reading in silence really show up when you're reading a script aloud ... ah well. You live and learn. Anyway, I'm nearly there.

During the day I decided to cast a bit more bread on the waters, and emailed a promotional flyer to Ben Glaze, an 'Echo' reporter who takes an interest in church and community affairs. Really there's no way of knowing if anyone's interested in Vicar's critique of modernity, and progress in science and technology. We'll see .... it's all in a day's evangelisation.

Oh yes, if you've read this far, you can check out the site for yourself

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