Sunday, March 30, 2008

Low Sunday

Percy and Alwena's grandson Charlie was baptized at the Parish Eucharist this morning, much to everyone's delight. For the first six months of his life Charlie has been highly prone to infection, and the occasion of much prayer, as his little life was in danger. Now he's doing fine, and proving to be a source of delight to his family, and everyone else who knows and loves them. It was a delightful celebration, and followed by a splendid relaxed lunch in the Park Plaza Hotel. This was extra welcome, as it meant that I didn't have to cook for myself, with Clare still away.

Following the afternoon Eucharist at Tredegarville, I took Peggy her Easter Communion. Last Monday, when I'd rang up to make arrangements, she was feeling too ill to receive me. Her health fluctuates considerably because of her ailments, although she is always cheerful and serene. This morning I heard from people in church that she'd been well enough for a birthday outing the day before (94th, I think), so I called by to check her out, and found that she was up and around the house, in good form and delighted to be able to receive Communion. This gave me great satisfaction - a completion of my Easter duties.

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