Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Condensing the draft

Assembly at Tredegarville this morning followed by a year six class Eucharist in St Germans'. As Fr Roy is on leave, I stood in for him, before going in to St John's for the lunchtime Eucharist. After lunch I took a copy of the now complete Spiritual Capital draft report up to the Archbishop's office for him to inspect, and possibly offer us a supporting endorsement. That felt like something of a milestone. Our planned steering group meeting couldn't take place as we'd not been able to get the full draft out for people to look at. We also have a summary report to write, and that's something really we should also have a draft to study as a Steering Group before too long. So, I spent the evening trying to distil the essence of seventy eight pages down to eight, to kick-start the task. I felt that I'd made some progress by the end of the evening, but we'll have to see what the others think. Checking assumptions and objectives step by step as we go.

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