Monday, September 08, 2008

God on Mondays - fourth year

This afternoon we re-started 'God on Mondays' in Tredegarville school. This is the start of our fourth year. One year in St James' and two in school, since the church closed. Much to my delight we were as many gathered as there had been at the end of the summer term, with eleven children and nineteen parents and teacher - the teachers are so supportive. It was good to see familiar faces again. I wonder what we need to do to make this venture grow a little more, and may be get back to the numbers we attracted when it was held in a 'real' church building? In this experience hungry culture the ambience of pointed arches and stained glass did count for something, and although we brought the font into school last year, and placed it in a prominent place where it ceerinaly gets used to affirm the schools Christian identity and ethos, we've only managed a mock baptism there as part of the year three teaching programme. No takers for real as yet. Being there partiently is all we can do for the time being.

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