Monday, January 22, 2007

Business as usual

Sunday morning, nobody but I turned up for the usual 8.00am Eucharist, perhaps because some of them were intending to come to the 9.30 service and attend the Extraordinary General Meeting. So, I got a half hour to say Matins quietly on my own instead. Chris preached at 9.30 on the same passage of Nehemiah that I'd prepared. Our thoughts about it were quite different, she focussed on ecumenical variety in prayer and worship, and focussed on social regeneration. Both are in the text. It says something about what preoccupies us I guess. Thank goodness there are two of us!

The meeting was quite well attended, about two dozen people stayed after the service, and we voted in our officers, and discussed the need for a secretarial post to make the most of opportunity of our new church office. This time, there's a determination to make it happen. It was great to come back and find that all had gone well and without incident while I was away. I am very fortunate in the good support I receive.

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